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Labor Law I

B663 is taught by K. Dau-Schmidt

This course explores the basic law on unions and collective bargaining in the United States. Students will learn about the law governing union organizing campaigns, collective bargaining, strikes and lockouts, and enforcement of the collective agreement. The course may be taken as either a writing course or an exam course. The course is taught as a simulation in which the students are employees covered by the National Labor Relations Act and must organize and bargain with President Dau-Schmidt to receive fair treatment and a decent grade. Student writers also act as corporate counsel and aid President Dau-Schmidt in resisting union organizing and negotiating with the union. As a spur to organization, the simulated President Dau-Schmidt is an arbitrary and sometimes abusive employer (hopefully in humorous ways). To create opportunities for learning, President Dau-Schmidt sometimes violates the law in the simulation. Students should not take the course if they are easily offended or would be hurt by such simulated abuse or lawlessness. Spring 2024 will probably be the last time Professor Dau-Schmidt teaches labor law as a simulation.