FALL 2006

Prof. J.A. Tanford
Last updated Nov. 6, 2006

Contact Prof. Tanford at tanford@indiana.edu
For a list of the 100 most significant movies about trials, click here .
Information on the trial competition team is available here .
Information on the Law School Trial Tournament is available here .


Final trials :

Click here for schedule and assignments

Click here for instructions

LAW SCHOOL TRIAL TOURNAMENT. January 7-10, 2007. Open to anyone.

TRIAL COMPETITION TEAM. There will be at least 8 slots open to 2-Ls on the trial team. Selections will be made based on your performance in the Law School Trial Tournament, January 7-10, 2007. The first competition will be in February 2007.

1) The seven principles of trial procedure
2) Grading criteria for opening statements, direct examination, cross-examination, and closing arguments.

Syllabus - click here

1) weekly performance sections
2) first trials
3) final trials

1) The required textbook is Tanford, The Trial Process: Law Tactics and Ethics (3rd ed. 2002).
2) In addition to the textbook, you will need the Supplement called Trial Practice Problems and case Files (2002 edition).
3) A copy of the Federal Rules of Evidence

Professional Responsibility.

In my courses, your behavior is at all times covered by the Model Rules of Professional Conduct . The classroom will be considered the equivalent of a hearing in a courtroom, with me as the judge, except that the dress code is waived. Violations of the rules may result in your being held in contempt or brought up on disciplinary charges. In either case, you may be "fined" in the form of a point deduction from your final grade.


Grading in this course is based on class attendance and participation, a final trial, and one or more exams and quizzes covering the law, procedure and ethics of trial practice.